Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fr. Greg’s Grab Bag

I want to thank everyone for your patience at last week’s 9:30 and 11:30 Masses. The First Communion and Confirmation ceremonies went well — the second graders receiving their Communion pins while the eighth grade Confirmandi accepted Bibles as they continue their studies toward Confirmation. I ask that you please pray not only for our young children preparing for their respective sacraments, but also for their parents, teachers and sponsors who
will help them during the year. Next weekend St. Mary’s is hosting a Ministry Fair in the school activities room. This is a very important weekend for the parish because we are highlighting
all the ways in which you, as a St. Mary’s parishioner, can help share the Good News of Jesus Christ. As you know, we already have a vibrant, faith-filled congregation. I am hoping, through this Ministry Fair, to showcase the different areas that YOU can serve your parish.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Chalktalk 10-29-08

If you haven’t heard, there is a group of adults trying to raise enough money to help stabilize the cost of tuition at St. Mary’s School. They are called the Tuition Stabilization Committee. Their goal is to raise enough funds to offset the cost of a tuition increase for the 2009-10 school year with the hope of decreasing the cost of tuition. The major fundraiser of this group is a raffle of $2,000 in Speedway gas cards. The cost of a ticket is only $5 and all monies earned from this raffle will be used to help hold the line on tuition. Tickets are available from the
Sunday Scrip sellers, at the school office, or at the upcoming spaghetti dinner on Sunday, November 2nd. The group is also currently selling Achatz pies and soups just in time
for the holidays. The school photographer will be at St. Mary’s on Monday. He will take
pictures of the MWF Preschool, children who were absent on September 23, and clubs and fall
athletic teams. Fall sports team members must have their uniforms. Safety Patrol members should have their belts.